Dr. Haile MichaelsonNaturopathic Doctor

Dr. Haile Michaelson, ND holds a bachelors degree in Human Nutrition and Psychology from McGill University, and a Naturopathic Doctorate from The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (BINM). She has done advanced training in Intravenous Vitamin Infusions, Fertility, Acupuncture, Toxic metal chelation, Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy, BC Prescription Licensing, Hypnotherapy, Lactation Consulting, Brain Chemistry Balance, Concussion Recovery, Depression, Anxiety, Eating Disorders and Post Traumatic Stress Recovery.


She has practiced for 14 years, and has a special focus on mental health, brain chemistry balance, concussion recovery, women’s health & hormone support. She has pioneered integrative treatment protocols for anorexia, bulimia, disordered eating, depression and anxiety, and has worked adjunctively with recovery centres, and therapists internationally. Dr. Haile has an vast set of tools and trainings in both evidence based medicine, functional medicine and also spirituality & energy-based medicine.  She is a hands-on healer and offers fusion bodywork sessions, which incorporate Bodytalk, massage, heat, cupping, acupuncture, NMT, TBM, NET, and topical botanicals. Dr. Haile is also a meditation teacher, yoga teacher, clinical hypnotherapist and retreat leader. She is a healer and a doctor and believes that the intersection of science and spirituality is the future of integrative and evidence based medicine.


Dr. Haile’s patients often arrive here searching for a deeper and more effective way to heal. Dr. Haile is incredibly talented at finding the root causes of imbalance and then guiding patients into an accelerated process of healing. Feel free to book a free 15minute free discovery call with Dr. Haile to explore working together.


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